"Leh me tell yuh bout Jigger Foot Maya".........
-Caribbean folk Song
Literally speaking -
“If you don’t have good shoes to stand on you can’t put your feet down”
As a former employee of Nike Canada, I have learned about the best type of gym shoes for high impact aerobic class. But first things first - Women's foot health is very important! Women are more at risk for certain foot problems than men. This is due mainly to the shoes we wear. Sometimes the shoes we wear to make our feet look pretty end up doing the opposite! Wearing improper or worn out shoes also put a strain on our hips, knees, ankles and feet.
Aerobic shoes combine the features of running shoes and tennis shoes – the two basic types of athletic shoes.
Running shoes are good for activities that involve a forward-type movement.Features: lightweight, an outer sole, a heel wedge and a mid-sole.
Tennis-type shoes are good for activities in which you have a side to side movement. Features: heavier and stiffer than running shoes.
You can use tennis-type shoes in aerobics class, but not running shoes.
How to choose proper Gym/Aerobic Shoes
Before choosing gym shoes or any type of shoes, you need to determine the degree of pronation of your foot.
Normal pronation, or "turning inward" of the foot is necessary as the foot adapts to the ground. If your shoes look straight you pronate normally and can select from a wide variety of shoes.
The arch of your foot flattens, collapses, and soft tissues stretch. This causes the joint surfaces to function at unnatural angles to each other. . If you over pronate you need a firm midsole, and a straight or slightly curved shape shoe.
Over pronation causes stable joints to become very loose and flexible, causing foot and leg discomfort. As the problem gets worse, strain on the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the foot and lower leg can cause permanent problems and deformities.
If your shoes lean outward you underpronate, and will want a highly cushioned shoe with a curved shape.
High impact aerobics = a lot of jumping and bouncing on the ball of the foot. Your shoe should have good midsole cushioning, particularly in the forefoot. Look for shoes with an all leather upper, forefoot straps and internal and external heel counters. Also remember that a high-top style will offer you increased ankle support.
Nice feet are indeed a turn-on!
To have pretty feet, you don’t always have to go to the salon. With a small amount of time and effort, you can give yourself a fabulous foot makeover.
Here's How:
1. Remove Toenail Polish
A great reminder to inspect your toenails and look for any problems Use a non-acetone polish remover. Acetone is very harsh on your toenails. Give your toenails a break from polish every now and then to eliminate discoloration.
2. Soak Your Feet
A relaxing foot soak for 15-20 minutes will do wonders. Add aromatherapy salts or oils to the water. Water this is too hot will cause your skin to dry out more. Scrub with a toenail brush at the end of your soak.
3. Trim Callouses, Corns and toenails
Use a pumice stone, emery board or callous file. It may take a few trimmings before you are able to remove all of the hard skin. Removing callouses will help prevent cracks. Soak first. Use a stainless steel nail nipper, cut toenails straight across and then gently round the corners with an emery board. You can push your cuticles back. Trim toenails after soaking for softer it will be easier.
4. Paraffin Wax Treatment
The paraffin wax will make your feet feel incredibly soft. The warmth of the wax helps to increase blood flow and opens up the pores in your skin. When your pores are open, they are able to absorb more moisture. When you feel the wax begin to cool down, wrap your feet in a towel to make the warm feeling last a little longer.
5. Apply Lotion and Massage
Apply lotion to moisturize your skin after soaking or waxing. Massage while you apply lotion. Put on socks or wrap your feet in saran wrap after you apply the lotion. This will help the lotion absorb better.
1. Treat Athlete’s Foot
If you have itchy, red, peeling skin in between your toes or on the bottom of your feet, you may have athlete’s foot. Try an over the counter antifungal ointment, cream or powder. Ointments and creams seem to be more effective than powders because they are better absorbed by the skin.
2. Treat Fungus in the Toenails
If you start to see discoloration in your toenails, this may be a sign of fungus. Try using over the counter antifungals such as ointments, creams, lacquers or tea tree oil to prevent spreading. Before applying a topical treatment, rough up the toenail with an emery board. This will allow the topical treatment to soak in better.
3. Stop the Sweating
Excessive sweating (perspiration) can be a breeding ground for fungus and odor. Try an over the counter anti-perspirant (like you use on your underarms). Make sure it is an anti-perspirant and not a deodorant. If odor is a problem, get a shoe insert that has charcoal as an ingredient. Charcoal helps absorb odors.
4. Choose Your Shoes Wisely
Understand your pronation. Certain shoes may cause blisters, corns or callouses. Shoes that are too tight can aggravate bunions, neuromas and hammer toes.
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